Unlock Your Child’s Potential with Our Block Coding Program!

01 Oct 2023 By Code Bricks

Welcome to Our Exciting World of Block Coding!

In our digital world, coding is the cool new way to read and write! At our coding academy, we help your child dive into technology, problem-solving, and creativity with our awesome block coding program. With fun platforms like MIT Scratch, Code.org, and Microsoft Minecraft Education, we create a playful environment where your child can learn, discover, and build their own digital masterpieces while gaining important life skills!

Our Approach

1. 🎯 Student-Centric Learning(Engagement and Fun)

We use platforms like MIT Scratch and Minecraft Education which turn learning into an exciting game-like experience.

2. 💡 Real-World Problem Solving(Application-Based Learning)

Through Code.org, your child will address actual problems, learning how digital solutions impact our world.

3. 🎨 Creative Freedom(Unleash Creativity)

We encourage students to imagine, design, and create their own projects, sparking their innovative spirit.

Empowering Life Skills Through Coding

1. 💪 Problem Solving

Coding challenges help children develop the ability to break down complex problems and find feasible solutions.

2. 🧠 Logical Thinking

We encourage children to form step-by-step procedures and use logical operations to solve coding puzzles and create projects.

3. ✨ Creativity

With the freedom to create their own digital projects, children develop creativity in design, storytelling, and problem resolution.

4. 🤝 Team Collaboration

Group projects and collaborative problem solving foster teamwork and enhance interpersonal skills.

Curriculum Highlights

1. Beginner Blocks: Understanding the basic building blocks of coding.
2. Animated Stories: Creating interactive and animated stories using Scratch.
3. Game Development: Designing and developing their own games.
4. Adventure in Minecraft: Solving problems and creating in a 3D world.

Your Child’s Future Starts with a Single Block!

We dream of a future where your child isn't just using technology, but also making cool new things with it! Our fun and flexible learning path helps them move smoothly from simple block coding to awesome advanced programming as they grow up.

Enroll Today!

Let’s build the future, one block at a time. Click Here