Understanding Layers with Looks Blocks

19 Oct 2023 By Code Bricks

Kids Coding with MIT Scratch: Understanding Layers with “Looks” Blocks

Hello future coders! 🌟 Today, we’re diving into a super cool concept in MIT Scratch - Layers! Just like in art where you might layer colors or shapes on top of each other, in Scratch, you can layer sprites. Let’s unravel the magic behind layers using the “Looks” blocks!

1. What are Layers in Scratch?

Imagine you have a stack of paper. Each sheet of paper represents a sprite. When you put one sheet on top of another, the top sheet hides the one below it. This is exactly how layers work in Scratch!

  • Front Layer: The sprite that’s on the top of the stack and is fully visible.
  • Back Layer: The sprite at the bottom, which might be hidden by the sprites above it.

2. “Go to Front” and “Go to Back” Blocks

Want to decide which sprite should be at the front or back? These blocks are your best friends!

  • “Go to Front” Block: Moves your sprite to the top layer.
  • “Go to Back” Block: Sends your sprite to the bottom layer.

3. “Go Forward” and “Go Backward” Blocks

These blocks let you move your sprite one layer at a time, instead of directly to the front or back.

  • Example: If you have three sprites - a cat, a dog, and a bird, and you want the bird to move just behind the cat but in front of the dog, you’d use the “Go Forward” or “Go Backward” block.

4. Simple Example for Kids

Imagine you’re creating a scene where a cat 🐱 is hiding behind a tree 🌳, and a bird 🐦 is flying above.

  • First, you’d place the tree sprite on the stage.
  • Next, you’d add the cat sprite and use the “Go to Back” block to make sure the cat is behind the tree.
  • Finally, you’d add the bird sprite. Since it’s the latest sprite, it’s already at the front, flying high above the cat and tree!

In Conclusion

Layers in Scratch are like a game of hide and seek, deciding which sprite is seen and which one is hidden. By understanding and using the “Looks” blocks related to layers, you can create dynamic, layered scenes in your projects. So, get ready to layer up and bring depth to your Scratch creations!

Keep scratching and layering your imagination! 🎨🐾